Solo Adventure-Time III

I’ve had so much fun the last two days!

Yesterday I worked with pigs! This was such an awesome experience. Pigs are amazing animals. I learned a lot. They have very specific requirements for their diets. I got to make them salads:) They are also super smart and are able to learn lots of tricks. Be warned if you meet a pig, you probably won’t want to eat one again.

Then I got to work with parrots. It was so cool. I got to give them showers that are suppose to simulate the Amazon. The lead caretaker was really fun too. She even gave me a hug at the end of my shift.

Then I tried to go to Zion but there was road construction which said it would be a 45 minute wait, so I decided against it as I would have only had an hour to explore.

So, I went to rest and just fell asleep. I was just so tried from all the farm work:)

Today was also amazing! It started with working with goats and sheep. They are adorable creatures! They all wear dog collars, which makes them even cuter. They are very curious and friendly. They love just following and watching what’s happening. However, they are messy and cleaning today was the toughest physical work I’ve ever done

Then, since the work was finished early one of the farm hands offered me a back roads tour of the sanctuary. It was awesome! I got to see an underground lake in a cave, ancient ruins, and more beautiful rock formations. I am a lucky girl:)

This afternoon I got to teach puppy preschool. This class teaches puppies good manners and gets them used to the real world environment. All of this is to help them find homes and keep them.

Now I’m chilling with my 6 month old puppy pal Kavi waiting for it to cool down so we can go for a walk! Tomorrow is my last day here, but I’m so glad I came:)

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